It Happened To One of Us
A Sad Reminder that Lighting Kills
Each summer, AgSafe Alberta likes to remind producers about lightning safety. This year will be no different, as we have already seen severe storms and many of us have heard about the rancher from Colorado who, along with over 30 head of cattle died following a lightning strike (see the video above).
A similar incident occurred last year in Saskatchewan. Fortunately, in that instance, no human lives were lost: 28 Cattle killed by lightning strikes during storm in Saskatchewan – CTV News.
While it is best to take shelter in a building, it may not always be possible. If you get caught out in a field and have a truck or tractor with a cab near, close the windows and wait in there. It is recommended to remain sheltered for at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
If you find yourself outdoors and without a building, vehicle or tractor, there may be little that you can do to protect yourself from a lightning strike; this is why it is so important to go to a safe place at the first signs of an approaching thunderstorm. To reduce your risk of being struck by lightning in this situation, consider the following:
- Lightning is likely to strike the tallest objects in an area, make sure you are not one of them!
- Do NOT lie flat on the ground if outdoors in a storm.
- Avoid things such as isolated tall trees, hilltops, power poles, etc.
- Avoid open areas, such as a field.
- Avoid wire fencing, as lightning can travel long distances through it.
- Get away from bodies of water (water does not attract lightning but it does conduct electricity).
- Find dense areas of smaller trees surrounded by larger trees.
- Find low lying areas, such as a ditch or valley, but watch for flooding.
- Sheds and tents do not provide adequate protection from lightning.

If you have farm-specific health and safety questions or require support relating to health and safety on your farm, please contact AgSafe Alberta at info@agsafeab.ca.
You may be eligible for onsite farm visits and up to 10 hours of advisor support at no cost!
Severe Storm Season Started Early This Year!
To help you create a plan for your farm and be prepared for the somewhat unexpected, we invite you to visit the AgSafe Alberta website for tools and resources to support you. Some of these are listed below:

Stay Tuned for FARMERS CARE Level 4, Coming Fall 2024!
The fourth and final level in the FARMERS CARE program will focus on practical emergency management and preparedness on farms of all sizes.
Back to Ag Program: If You Have Been Injured, What Would You Need to Get Back to Farming?

The Back to Ag Program is a grant that supports farmers who have been seriously injured so they can get back to farming. It does this by helping them with the purchase of adaptive technology. Adaptive technology is a type of assistive technology designed for people with disabilities.
Anyone wanting to apply must be a farmer who has a disability resulting from a life-altering incident. Applicants must also be able to demonstrate how this specialized equipment or the adaptation of their existing equipment will help them get back to working on the farm.
Click HERE to learn more about the Back to Ag Program, or to read about some of the farmers across Canada who were able to get back to farming because of it.
The Back to Ag Program is funded by Farm Credit Canada and delivered in partnership with the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association and the Rick Hansen Foundation.
Ukrainian-Language Resources
Does your farm employ workers from the Ukraine? Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has created resources that you can download and print for your team members.
Do you know how to refuse dangerous work (Poster)
Link/Title: Чи знаєте ви, як відмовитися від небезпечної роботи?
Details: Poster overview of a worker’s right to refuse work that is a serious and immediate threat to health and safety. Introduces workers to key steps in the work refusal process. Size 11″ x 17″.
Harassment and violence in the workplace
Link/Title: Переслідування та насильство на робочому місці
Details: Explains what harassment and violence are and the legal obligations of employers to protect their workers.
Preventing harassment and violence in the workplace (template pack)
Link/Title: Домагання та насильство на робочому місці: шаблони профілактики
Details: Sample policies and procedure templates that you can customize for your workplace harassment and violence prevention plans. MS Word format.
Right to refuse dangerous work
Link/Title: Право відмовитися від виконання небезпечної роботи
Details: Explains the processes involved when a worker exercises their right to refuse dangerous work. Information for employers and workers.
For general inquiries: info@agasafeab.ca /403-219-
For our hotline for incidence assistance: 1-833-9AGSAFE