It Happened to One of Us
2016 Incident Summary
(Incident source: Alberta Government. Investigation Report Fatality Worker Fatally Injured While Welding a Tire Rim, April 25, 2016. Open.alberta.ca. Accessed March 14, 2023 from https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/2012f8db-68de-4ab3-947c-f319b28ec9c4/resource/f2346d6b-4394-468d-aac7-8b43dd6ad1db/download/16-04-25-heidecker-report-public.pdf)
Description | Injury Type | Age Range | Sector | WCB Code |
Worker fatally injured while welding a tire rim | Fatality | Unknown | Mixed Operation | Not Confirmed |
A farm hand was welding on a steel rim/tire assembly from a Henke feed/mixer wagon used to haul and spread silage. Earlier in the day, a tire repair shop had been contacted to repair a crack in the rim that was causing the tire to deflate, however, the shop refused due to the rim’s condition.
The farm hand had been with the operation for three years and was thought of as a “jack of all trades.” He had experience with this task and had previously welded and repaired that rim. He cleaned the rim using a buffing wheel and shortly after, began to weld. While welding, a violent release of energy occurred as the tire separated from the rim. The tire hit the farm hand, shattering his welding mask and causing fatal injuries.
Stored energy often gets overlooked on the farm. Hydraulics, springs, compressed air and so many others are present in the work and tasks performed. If you or the others on your farm have not already completed FARMERS CARE Level 1, we recommend it. Once complete, FARMERS CARE Level 2 is also available.
FARMERS CARE booklets and posters are available for free. Order yours from the AgSafe Alberta Store.

Equipment Is About To Start Moving, Are You Ready To Do It Safely?
- The most common crash type for farm equipment is being rear ended.
- Over one-third of crashes occur on the left side of farm equipment.
- Nearly 80% of crashes occur during daylight hours & 77% occur during clear weather conditions.
- More crashes occur on straight roads than curves.
- More crashes occur on flat areas of road than on steep hills.
- 41% of crashes resulted in injuries, with roadway vehicle occupants over twice as likely to be injured… and usually, more severely.
13 Tips For Making Equipment Moves Safer:

- Ensure your equipment has Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) signs.
- Check your SMV signs, replace any that are faded and ensure they are clean when travelling on roads.
- Ensure lights on the equipment being moved are clean and working, and where lights are missing, have them repaired or use magnetic lights for travel on roads.
- Replace damaged or missing reflective tape on equipment.
- It is recommended to use pilot vehicles when moving equipment that is wider than 3.85 metres (12.63 feet).
- Equipment more than 2.6 metres (8.5 feet) high must have warning lights at the widest part of it.
- Ensure anyone operating equipment on roads is trained and licensed; Alberta law prohibits anyone under 14 from operating farm equipment on a roadway.
- Practice good roadway etiquette; pull over in safe locations and allow cars to pass (don’t wave them around, it is best to let them make the decision that it is safe to pass).
- Perform all necessary checks and tune-ups before the move.
- If you must cross under any overhead powerlines, check your clearance in advance! Equipment changes and lines can start to sag.
- Always wear your seat belt when one is equipped.
- One seat means one rider… even when there are buddy seats, extra riders can be a distraction.
- Keep a fully stocked first aid kit in equipment cabs… you never know when it might be needed!
Click here to view AgSafe Alberta’s Toolbox Talk Making Equipment Moves Safer.

Spring Survival Tips
Most producers like a tight calving window, especially those with mixed operations. The downside of this is often long hours and demanding work that contribute to family stress, fatigue and injury.
This year, try applying some of these spring survival tips to help get you and your farm team safely into summer:
- Take short breaks. A 15-20 minute nap can work wonders, especially when it is in the early afternoon.
- Stay hydrated (dehydration makes you feel more tired).
- Caffeine can stay in the body for approximately three to seven hours, so it is best to avoid it later in the day.
- Research has shown that many incidents occur between 2 and 5 a.m., as well as 1 and 4 p.m. (due to circadian rhythm); avoid scheduling difficult, demanding or dangerous work during these times.
- Research has shown that people who have slept less than five hours before work, or who have been awake 16-plus hours, significantly increase their chance of making a mistake. Make efforts to schedule work and calf checks among family and workers in a way that supports everyone getting as much sleep as possible.
- Avoid working alone, especially when the work involves a calf and its mother. When working alone must occur, have a working alone plan in place.
- Ensure that everyone who may be required to administer injectable vitamins or vaccines has been fully trained and understands the signs and symptoms of exposures.
- Ensure that anyone who may be required to clean areas or sterilize equipment is trained and wears all of the appropriate PPE.
- Stay on guard at all times; don’t turn your back on a cow.
- Do not get between the mother and her newborn calf without a barrier or some form of protection.
- Always be cautious when dealing with mothers and their newborns and be especially careful with first-time calvers.
- Enter a pen only if completely necessary and have someone else with you; bring a fully charged mobile phone in case of an emergency.
- Avoid lifting calves if possible; if you must, squat beside the calf, hold it close to you (one arm around the front and the other behind the legs), lift with your legs and keep your back straight.
- Stress is damaging to our health in countless ways. Managing stress in healthy ways is important. Making time for family, talking, laughing, and participating in something that makes you happy is essential!
- If you are one of those mixed operations, make sure that you read our 13 tips for making equipment moves safer earlier in this issue!
Does Your Company Have These Risk Factors by In-Scope Solutions.
Stress Management for Farmers and Ranchers by North Dakota Statue University
For general inquiries: info@agasafeab.ca /403-219-
For our hotline for incidence assistance: 1-833-9AGSAFE